Saturday, May 25, 2013

New account - NOT QUITTING!

NOT quitting.   I am moving to the account- May30girl10.

Does this picture make me look fat?

You thought i was actually gonna quit, Didnt you? -_-

Friday, May 24, 2013

O: Tail armor glitch FIXED!!!

After all this time Certain color tail armor's have been considered "rarer" than the basic color tails.
(White, Gold\Dark Brown, Green, Purple, Pink)
All because they were labeled Tool tip.   But the other colors were wanted, because they wern't cursed with a glitch and called Tool tips.  They had the normal Name, Elf tail armors.

Well, Recently the glitch was fixed! All tail armor's now say ELF TAIL ARMOR's!
anyways THNX AJHQ!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Brady's and more

Well i am really tierd today.

It's uhm.. a new jamaa journal.
sorry i'm.. Zzz.. posting late.

Well i got the beta ..tiara.. with a blue gem and green....... Zzzzz..
And there is this new game that you get gifts in
so tierd... a good game..........................

Well giraffes rhinos and the other one have went away =-=

well i guess u can jam on well i nap........
Bye.. and goodnight

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Naming your animal glitch and New item

Well the new item is a kelp skirt, In underwater! All of these wonderful summer items are Coming back! (gloves next?? Cmon! AJ!) 

Also i spotted this glitch.. O: This sharks eye doesnt look.. Quite in place..

My dad bought me a 25,000 gems code, Because i "promised" too clean me room. 
I got ALMOST every animal but not the koala ;-; I sold my koala..

Thats all i got jammers O_O Kinda brain dead today. I got to go Eat lunch with my Mom's friend today so i have to be quick!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Guess who's back? ME!

I got unsuspended :) Im back! even more ready to blog about the latest and greatest things in jamaa!!!

Only two days left to adopt Giraffes, Rhinos, and Elephants!  I got mine today! You better hurry up and get your's soon!!!!

oh sorry the other animals didn't load O_O

I havent got a picture of the new jam session item yet!
But i'll get it posted when i can!

Yawn, I woke up early too play animal jam.
I have to blog, post videos, pay attention to my friends, eat food,
look for new items, go to the partys and look for new items, Check my poptropican account, Trade with jammers, Keep my eyes open for snowyclaw, God im busy! Lol.

Hay is anyone reading this?
Hi, I am wondering.. Does anyone ever read this blog???
Please comment if you are reading this, Just so i know that people are out there.

I Know my blog isn't as great as snowy claws, but it's the best i could do. No hate comments.

That's all i have time for.  I need to make youtube videos, And all of the other stuff i have to do -_- 
Well i don't have too. It's for the sake of the readers, or subscribers, I need to make sure that they are happy and Not feeling like i am not paying attention.  I get mad at my self when I don't blog right when i wake up or forget about This blog And get to caught up in hanging out with my Animal jam BFFS.
Well when i get a comment on here, I feel like i actually am famous, I feel like someone is making my hard work on this blog all worth it. 
Thank you!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Subscribe to me!

On my youtube channel, PennyStroke Jamaa, You can sub to me for even more rarity scans and updates! :D I'm going to start making VIDEO's When PennyStroke get's unsuspended. 



Jello, Jammers.  I'm Sad because i got suspended, and a warning of being permanently banned.

Well..... I can't post much but i do know that the rare is a rare beret thing..
thanks to AJ spirit blog.. i can't sleep my brain wont shut up about things..
more info later, jammers. *Sigh*