Thursday, May 16, 2013

Eyeball hats

Hello! Today i traded a demon mask for a eyeball hat.  It was a good trade because everyone was acting like they were worth MORE THAN HEADDRESSES. -_- i was lucky they would do the trade!

Well today i'm going to tell you the rareness, history, and color, of eyeball hats.

they were sold on HAT DAY along with top hats
                                           ALL OF THOSE ITEMS, once out of the shops, BOOM.
                                          THERE RARE AGAIN AND EVERYONE WANTS ONE

                                           I believe eyeball hats where sold at the Halloween party too.
I know this has nothing to do with the topic, BUT THIS IS A INSAINLY EPIC TRADE.
 i would not even take a picture. i'd just accept and RUN AWAY LOL

back too the topic.

I found out from Jamaa's written truth,
that Beta eye ball hats were given out too special jammer's. only 7 or 6 of them are out there,
but if someone sells them, Wow and there GONE FOREVER.

And Most eyeball hats have a solid color iris. beta eyeball hats have blue and pink.
This item may be beta, but it sure wont be in demand of many boys.
Well not much is known about eyeball hats..
Wow what am i saying. I've never had a rare one ever, Emocupcakes would be better at explaining the rarity of them.  She helps me out with every trade i do to make sure its fair.
Well that's all i know.

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