Saturday, May 25, 2013

New account - NOT QUITTING!

NOT quitting.   I am moving to the account- May30girl10.

Does this picture make me look fat?

You thought i was actually gonna quit, Didnt you? -_-

Friday, May 24, 2013

O: Tail armor glitch FIXED!!!

After all this time Certain color tail armor's have been considered "rarer" than the basic color tails.
(White, Gold\Dark Brown, Green, Purple, Pink)
All because they were labeled Tool tip.   But the other colors were wanted, because they wern't cursed with a glitch and called Tool tips.  They had the normal Name, Elf tail armors.

Well, Recently the glitch was fixed! All tail armor's now say ELF TAIL ARMOR's!
anyways THNX AJHQ!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Brady's and more

Well i am really tierd today.

It's uhm.. a new jamaa journal.
sorry i'm.. Zzz.. posting late.

Well i got the beta ..tiara.. with a blue gem and green....... Zzzzz..
And there is this new game that you get gifts in
so tierd... a good game..........................

Well giraffes rhinos and the other one have went away =-=

well i guess u can jam on well i nap........
Bye.. and goodnight

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Naming your animal glitch and New item

Well the new item is a kelp skirt, In underwater! All of these wonderful summer items are Coming back! (gloves next?? Cmon! AJ!) 

Also i spotted this glitch.. O: This sharks eye doesnt look.. Quite in place..

My dad bought me a 25,000 gems code, Because i "promised" too clean me room. 
I got ALMOST every animal but not the koala ;-; I sold my koala..

Thats all i got jammers O_O Kinda brain dead today. I got to go Eat lunch with my Mom's friend today so i have to be quick!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Guess who's back? ME!

I got unsuspended :) Im back! even more ready to blog about the latest and greatest things in jamaa!!!

Only two days left to adopt Giraffes, Rhinos, and Elephants!  I got mine today! You better hurry up and get your's soon!!!!

oh sorry the other animals didn't load O_O

I havent got a picture of the new jam session item yet!
But i'll get it posted when i can!

Yawn, I woke up early too play animal jam.
I have to blog, post videos, pay attention to my friends, eat food,
look for new items, go to the partys and look for new items, Check my poptropican account, Trade with jammers, Keep my eyes open for snowyclaw, God im busy! Lol.

Hay is anyone reading this?
Hi, I am wondering.. Does anyone ever read this blog???
Please comment if you are reading this, Just so i know that people are out there.

I Know my blog isn't as great as snowy claws, but it's the best i could do. No hate comments.

That's all i have time for.  I need to make youtube videos, And all of the other stuff i have to do -_- 
Well i don't have too. It's for the sake of the readers, or subscribers, I need to make sure that they are happy and Not feeling like i am not paying attention.  I get mad at my self when I don't blog right when i wake up or forget about This blog And get to caught up in hanging out with my Animal jam BFFS.
Well when i get a comment on here, I feel like i actually am famous, I feel like someone is making my hard work on this blog all worth it. 
Thank you!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Subscribe to me!

On my youtube channel, PennyStroke Jamaa, You can sub to me for even more rarity scans and updates! :D I'm going to start making VIDEO's When PennyStroke get's unsuspended. 



Jello, Jammers.  I'm Sad because i got suspended, and a warning of being permanently banned.

Well..... I can't post much but i do know that the rare is a rare beret thing..
thanks to AJ spirit blog.. i can't sleep my brain wont shut up about things..
more info later, jammers. *Sigh*

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Random update

This glitch freaked me out.. i logged in, And then.. Only my headdress glove and my Stego tail Showed up. then i stopped moving and it showed my wolf, but with nothing on.  then i danced and everything was there.....
                                           O_O scary huh?

Well the new item for today is a old item, Lei's! Yay.  Non members seem to be very found of this item and its come back.
  Dear jamaa, the jammer's have spoken.  The jammer's actually wont shut up. please Bring back gloves. 

i was about to jam-a-gram Cheetah too Congratulate her about her new headdress.  Then this happened.

                                      o-o very scary glitches are happening today.

The Jammer of the week (i guess its been a week) Is Firewing! Lol my rarest friend i know :D


.-. i'm brain-dead of ideas
I [MIGHT] do a post about Spikes\Legends\Beards.. Maybe. But who am i to post about those things? .-. I've only had 4 legends in my whole LIFE, and 1 spike whristband, And not even ONE beard.
o-o well bye


Friday, May 17, 2013


Hello! i got a headdress today for: Pink shark fin, Rare tiara, Freedom bands, Rare headdress.
I think it was fair. O_O either that or a total over trade.

anyway's, Since i got one now, i might make a short history post on them :D

Here is every color headdress (i got pink and purple, matches my look too!)
But, my all-time favorite is green and raspberry. I've never had it before D:

Well here's a picture i'm jealous of. So pretty, I'd do anything for that headdress. Anyone got a unwanted color of this headdress? if so, Send it to PennyStroke... Not to be greedy.

Well here's the basic info on headdresses ^^
thanks Animal jam truth blog for the photo!

They were sold thanks giving, along with headfeathers. too bad this thanksgiving, they were not sold.

Maybe this thanksgiving? keep playing animal jam too find out. :)


:O i met snowyclaw!

i was a little late to take the photo before she left on the last photo! LOL im so happy.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well a few days ago, my dad ordered me a SIDEKIX TIGER PLUSH when i cleaned some things,
And today it got in the mailbox.  Sience my driveway is like, a mile long, my dad and i rode our bikes Too the mailbox (at the VERY VERY END of the driveway -_-)    okay so then i entered da code blah blah blah and then i reized i got the special epic plushie ^_^ i got every epic plushie on animal jam now!

Sorry !

I was doing a post on glitches and such, but then my internet crashed. and i didn't get too publish
:\ I will redo the post. and find the glitches. ALL OVER AGAIN. sorry i got my hands full today >_<

Eyeball hats

Hello! Today i traded a demon mask for a eyeball hat.  It was a good trade because everyone was acting like they were worth MORE THAN HEADDRESSES. -_- i was lucky they would do the trade!

Well today i'm going to tell you the rareness, history, and color, of eyeball hats.

they were sold on HAT DAY along with top hats
                                           ALL OF THOSE ITEMS, once out of the shops, BOOM.
                                          THERE RARE AGAIN AND EVERYONE WANTS ONE

                                           I believe eyeball hats where sold at the Halloween party too.
I know this has nothing to do with the topic, BUT THIS IS A INSAINLY EPIC TRADE.
 i would not even take a picture. i'd just accept and RUN AWAY LOL

back too the topic.

I found out from Jamaa's written truth,
that Beta eye ball hats were given out too special jammer's. only 7 or 6 of them are out there,
but if someone sells them, Wow and there GONE FOREVER.

And Most eyeball hats have a solid color iris. beta eyeball hats have blue and pink.
This item may be beta, but it sure wont be in demand of many boys.
Well not much is known about eyeball hats..
Wow what am i saying. I've never had a rare one ever, Emocupcakes would be better at explaining the rarity of them.  She helps me out with every trade i do to make sure its fair.
Well that's all i know.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bow and arrows history

Now, the bow and arrow's history is short.  You're probably  Wondering where too get Bow and arrow's.. Well, Once thing's are marked RARE They can't go in stores anymore (Unless for rare item Monday)  Well Once year On December 24th, During the Jamaliday gift thing they Gave out bows..
No one wanted them.  They had no idea they would be rare one day, very much in demand.
                                     (Thanks to animal jam WIKI for the photo chart)

                                Here's a list of all of the bow and arrows
                                     I think its in order of rarity. they show black bows twice,
                                   and the photo was taken from beta days. i found it on google.

                               Theres one color of bow That is SUPER RARE.
                               Rarer than my all time favorite black bow! the raspberry bow.
                                   Only a few in jamaa, Very rare to find!
                              I Don't know how it's so rare. i think its a color mix up glitch
                                           It's a mix of purple pink and brown i think..
I first saw one in best dressed. 

Uh. Real or fake jammers? i think this photo was edited. (i have edited purple worns to make them look  like green worns before, so i would know)

or is it real? hmm...

There's some tips for sky high, very helpful

Alot of you think "orange bow's are ugly" 
But my opinion is that they are 4th rarest. 
here's a order of rarity (most unrare is the last one)
1. Raspberry
2. Black
3. White
4. Orange
5. Green
6. Blue
7. Purple
8. Pink

Well that's my opinion at least :P

Well i hope you get a bow and arrow, 
And if you already have one, Be grateful for it.
Don't go dancing around jamaa saying "I DON'T WANT THIS BOW ITS UGLY"

"Love you're rares, Because there are other people who would kill to have them."
 ~ PennyStroke

Summer Carnival + Rarest person i know

                                                Well the summer carnivals new item is a "pet Carousel'

And here's the Rarest person i know! It's a she. 

                             Where in Jamaa Do YOU think the new land will be?
The place right below Jamaa township seems nice.

Later today i'm going to do a post on BOW AND ARROWS!

Have a GREAT day jammer's!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jam Session


                                           Well the new item for today is a item at the jam session,
                                         a saxophone.  Probably The last item in Jam session..
                                                       Since one whole page is filled.

Enjoy the jam session Jammers!

Well its late i got to be getting to bed D: 
Post more tomarrow


My mail time video



Tail armors History

Tail armors.  If you have played animal jam, You've heard of them.  
Here's a short History about tail armors:
Back Before tail armors were the member gift, There was Only ONE person who had one.
Her username, was sizzlerat. here's what it looked like:
                                A little different From the new tail armor, Notice it Doesn't have lines? 

Well, A few Months later (March 2011), Tail armors became the Monthly member gift. 
And When you search Sizzlerat, it says that There is no Jammer named sizzlerat.. 
BUT if you try too make an account named SizzleRat, It says the name is taken.
                                                       Very mysterious.....!

Yes there has been sizzlerat sightings (BEFORE SHE DISAPPEARED) 
A Jammer asked "what is that on your TAIL?" and she said "Something really cool!"
Then she left.  At her den she was seen using the member "laughter" emote INSIDE the chat box.
                                    Tail armor Jam a gram sent too Nonmembers March 2011

                           Jamaa Journal Page 1 March 1st 15th 2011
                       what i find suspicious is that water lands didn't come out until 2012. jellyfish?

                                 They sell for 45 gems. Who would recycle one for that???

                           Oh by the way, Sizzlerat Is a Animal jam guide. probably got fired?
                                                        This photo was FAKED. 
                                            Look closer at the tail armor. see the lines?

                                         Well, tail armors are a mystery. 
                              If you have one, Or not.  It doesn't matter.
                    Tail's are not that rare.  But just because i said this, Dont take it personally.
                          Just remember, we are all beta.  We are all Rare in our own way.

Free gift give away! PLUS more!

Sub too me on Youtube! I'm CanyonLeapBlog AJ!

First 5 comments get a free rare! comment your username, 
and you're favorite rare! receive the rare below 
                                 ^ Yes Yes, that right there

cheers to the rarest Nonmember  i know. Holly009!

                    shes more rare. look her up :D

            Thanks too cutie2688, Ilovemyponyboy, And Limelover123!